Thursday, March 26, 2009

forget fear

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless,
unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to
convert retreat into advance."

Martin Luther

Fear is a basic instinct and we need to appreciate the importance of
fear. We should understand that there is nothing wrong in the emotion or
feeling called `fear'. At the same time, if not properly
handled, fear can stop and affect our progress. In fact this principle
is equally valid in respect of any feeling such as happiness, joy,
sorrow, anger etc. There could be an occasion where we feel angry and we
may not be able to eliminate anger altogether from our life. Similarly
fear cannot be eliminated from our life.

What is even more important is how we process the fear. Read the above
quotation carefully. It talks about nameless, unreasoning, unjustified
fear which paralyses our efforts which are needed to convert retreat
into advance! Amazing words put together beautiful to convey a powerful
message for self empowerment!

We should know what we are afraid of and why? May be there is no reason
to be afraid of anything. If we ask the question: why am I afraid of?,
we may not get a convincing answer. May be our fear is a result of
others' thinking or our own perception. If there is a valid reason
for our fear, then we can take counter measure. For example, if we have
not prepared well for making an important presentation, we can prepare
well and the fear goes away. On the other hand, if we are not able to
get a convincing and justifiable reason for our fear, then we will be
paralyzed and will stop us from taking any efforts in the direction of
our goal.

If we are able to find out why we are afraid, we will be able to have an
appropriate strategy and action plan. This will help us to use fear as a
positive energy and the fear will propel us into action even more

Over this week end list all those things you are afraid of and ask why?

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